25 Nov
Leonardo da Vinci : an unprecedented exhibition at the Louvre
The centenaries of artist’s deaths are always a good excuse to take a look back on their work. There are few with quite as much significance as the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci. It is hard to believe that it has been so long when so many of his ideas and works of art seem so ahead of their time. The new exhibition at the Louvre museum has actually been 10 years in the making with collaborations between the Louvre and other institutions. The aim was to get a new approach on the work, including a number of pieces studied under infrared technology. Essentially, if you think you know all there is to know about Da Vinci and his most famous work, think again.
The show is already underway and set to be a very popular one. Many of the tickets have already been booked in advance by those keen not to miss out. Make sure to book yours with the Louvre before the show ends on February 24th.
Useful information
Date :
From 24 October 2019 to 24 February 2020Location :
Musée du Louvre
Pyramide – Cour Napoléon
75001 Paris 1Access :
Métro Palais Royal – Musée du LouvreFor more information, visit the Louvre's official website www.louvre.fr